ABA 101
Applied Behavior Analysis:
A way of identifying the conditions in which behaviors happen
Focus is to change the conditions
And teach new ways to get the same thing done
Behavioral: Applied interventions deal with measurable behavior (or reports if they can be validated).
Analytic: Applied interventions require an objective demonstration that the procedures caused the effect.
Technological: Applied interventions are described well enough that they can be implemented by anyone with training and resources.
Conceptually Systematic: Applied interventions arise from a specific and identifiable theoretical base rather than being a set of packages or tricks.
Applied: Applied interventions deal with problems of demonstrated social importance.
Generality: Applied interventions are designed from the outset to operate in new environments and continue after the formal treatments have ended.
Effective: Applied interventions produce strong, socially important effects.
ABA is widely recognized as a safe and effective treatment for many diagnoses and all ages. It is an evidenced based intervention with ample research supporting it's efficacy. ABA has been endorsed by a number of state and federal agencies, including the U.S. Surgeon General and the New York State Department of Health. Over the last decade, the nation has seen a particularly dramatic increase in the use of ABA to help people live happy and productive lives. In particular, ABA principles and techniques can foster basic skills such as looking, listening and imitating, as well as complex skills such as reading, conversing and understanding another person’s perspective.